Arrival Information

The designated Owners and Car park (for those with runners on the day) is signposted.

Gates will open 2 hours before the first race.

At Taunton we offer Owners the following facilities:

A designated Car Park.

A reserved viewing area on the Grandstand steps opposite the finishing line.

A big viewing screen at every race meeting.
A memento presented to the winning owner of each race.

A winning owners’ room with refreshments to review the race with a complimentary recording.

Badge Allocation
Entry to the Racecourse is via the PASS System.
Please request your badges via the PASS website using your online login. This information is essential for us in order to grant you speedy entrance to the racecourse and to deal with any queries in advance.

Please choose either Option A or Option B only as a crossover of the two will not be accepted.

Option A – Six complimentary Owners’ badges and six complimentary food vouchers per runner, with a further four Owners’ badges and food vouchers available for purchase at £10 each.
These allow access to the Owners & Trainers Lounge on the ground floor of the Paddock Stand with complimentary light meals, tea, coffee and biscuits.

Wearing your owners badge you are guaranteed a seat in the Annual Members’ restaurant, with a two-course lunch available for £33.00 (£25.50 in exchange for your food voucher) if you reserve before 4pm
on the day of declaration.


Option B – For any owner, or a syndicate, who would like to bring more guests or members, we are happy to allocate up to twenty complimentary Syndicate Suite badges and Parade Ring Access Passes.  These will offer access to the Exmoor Suite and all public areas of the racecourse.
The Exmoor Suite is located next to the Paddock Stand and looks out onto the parade ring with an uninterrupted view of the big screen.  There will be a cash bar available serving tea, coffee, alcohol, soft drinks and snacks.

To utilise Option B, please do not go through the PASS system, and contact us directly instead. You should email with the name of your horse, time of your race, and a list of those you wish to attend.

Please note:  Bookings can only be accepted by email from the syndicate manager or registered owner.

Only those wearing Owners’ badges will be granted access into the Paddock and the Owners’ Lounge.
Numbers are necessarily limited to avoid overcrowding of both the Paddock and the Lounge.

Trainers are provided with a complimentary food voucher for themselves, and one additional O&T badge and food voucher for a guest.

The Taunton area offers a wide range of accommodation. A few suggestions include The Castle Hotel (4* in Taunton), Taunton House Hotel (3* in Taunton), and the Greyhound Inn (country pub with rooms, approx. 3.5 miles away).

Parade Ring Guidelines
For obvious safety reasons it is necessary to limit the number of individuals in the parade ring in order to avoid overcrowding.
Only those wearing Owners & Trainers badges or Paddock passes may enter the Parade Ring.
Strictly no children under the age of 16 may enter the Parade Ring and all under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.

Official Photos
All winning owners are presented with a memento photograph after the race.
For further photographs and enquiries please visit the Pinnacle Photo Agency website.

Emergency Vehicle
In the event of an accident to the horse or rider, the starter’s car will be available for Owners/Trainers to use in order to get out onto the course. It is based at the foot of the control tower by the main crossing after each race until all horses/jockeys are clear of the course.